Sitemap - 2023 - Comfort Watch

Why I hit pause on my Big Fancy Six Figure Coaching Business to freelance + make art

The Thing is looming in your life - and it's a spectre that just isn't doing it for you anymore

10 random things I love about Mexico City

Outside Reading #6

I no longer think, "The world needs my gifts"

Casting myself as an extrovert in my personal movie of the season

Outside Reading #5

No words, just vibes

I changed my mind

Why you need to learn how to express yourself, AS yourself, in your writing + life

When did you become afraid of who you are?

Outside Reading #4

Beyond Copywriting: Express yourself fearlessly through uncensored, self-actualizing writing + living

This is what I’m creating this summer

35 things I have already loved this summer

3 reasons The Little Mermaid’s “Part of Your World” is the personal freedom anthem we all need right now

Outside Reading #3

How I use tarot to elevate and support my inner teenager while she makes her dreams come true

I couldn't consume my way into a new life

Meet Your Inner Rebellious Teenage Artist: a tarot reading and energy healing for inner teenager healing and creativity

Unleashing your inner young adult as a creative practice

Lover Moon

Mortal Woman

Outside Reading #2

How to take care of yourself when you have depression

The Spirits

Identity as social performance: is it glamour magic? Is it dissociation?

Outside Reading #1

I'm tired of consuming more than I create

Buying into (and out of) meritocracy + the illusive allure of fame

If you don't feel creative again just yet, that's totally cool

Welcome to Comfort Watch